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Italeri 1/48 scale
F-5E Tiger II

by Ulysses Almeida

Brazilian Air Force F-5E Tiger II

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MODEL N°: 2615
SCALE: 1/48

Italeri's F-5E is an easy model to build. I built it straight from the box. The only alteration was the sanding of the original panel lines and the scribing of new ones, as well as new rivet heads. I think this gave a more pleasant look.

The paint is Testor's Model Master FS36375 Light Ghost Gray with a touch of white to better match the original color.

The model I decided to depict is The F5 E #65 from the Brazilian Air Force stationed at Base Aérea de Canoas (Canoas Airforce Base), “Pampa” Squadron of the 1°/14° G.Av (Aviation Group). The painting scheme of this particular aircraft commemorates the 53rd anniversary of the creation of the Brazilian Air Force.

The decals came from FCM decal sheet 48 – 12 Brazilian Military Aviation. FCM is a decal manufacturer from Brazil.


  • ITaleri 1/48 scale F-5E by Ulysses Almeida: Image
  • ITaleri 1/48 scale F-5E by Ulysses Almeida: Image
  • ITaleri 1/48 scale F-5E by Ulysses Almeida: Image
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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2009 by Ulysses Almeida
Page Created 11 September, 2009
Last Updated 11 September, 2009

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