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Classic Airframes' 1/48 scale
De Havilland Venom

by Antoine Huyghe

De Havilland Venom Mk.I


Hobby Boss' 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop is available online from Squadron




Who said that Swiss aircraft are always clean?



Here is my 1/48 Classic Airframes De Havilland Venom Mk.I to which I added the specific nose and auxiliary "FLUNT" tanks.



Decals are from MC-one.



The build was not too complicated, but a lot of time and care was needed to make this model look okay. 



For those of you who noticed that the airbrakes and flaps are not down, I will just say that the aircraft just landed, and that the pilot likes to have things tidy? and brought back things to neutral.

Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2018 by Antoine Huyghe
Page Created 24 January, 2019
Last Updated 24 January, 2019

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