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P-38s in Europe

EagleCals Decals, 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number:

Eagle Cals EC#188 - P-38s In Europe

Scale: 1/48 (also available in 1/72 and 1/32 scales)
Contents and Media:

One sheet of decals -20 x 13cm, 1 sheet 15 x 13cm. Instruction sheet is A3, double sided heavy paper with coloured profiles on one side and B&W data stencil and aircraft details on the other.


US$21.00 available online from www.eagle-editions.com

Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well printed decals, with a gloss finish, great colour density, perfect register and minimal carrier film, and excellent instructions. A nice variety of schemes.
Disadvantages: None noted.
Conclusion: This is a fine sheet of decals that is highly recommended to those modellers interested in this popular aircraft and theatre of operations.

Reviewed by David Couche

F i r s t   L o o k


Presented in the familiar zip-lock clear sleeve this set of decals provides for four different Lightnings from the last couple of years of WWII over Europe.



The items themselves are crisply printed with a gloss finish, great colour density, perfect register and minimal carrier film. A large number of ‘stars and bars’ are provided in two sizes and about one third of the will not be used so your decal bank will be the benefit.The instruction sheet is a folded A3 sheet in colour with large colour drawings of the port-side profiles, along with detail nose drawings, and a set of smaller upper and lower drawings for each example. These clearly show the locations of each decal. 



Each of the four examples is described in some detail and they are:

  1. P38J-15-LO “W” S?N 44-28707 “ Scat II”  of 479th FG flown by Robin Olde in overall natural metal with wrap-around black and white invasion stripes ,

  2. P-38L “S” unknown serial, “Taffy” of 82 GF flown by Walter Zurney, in natural metal with rudders and outer tail in black and a red nose,

  3. P-38J-10-LO  ”KI-R” S/N 42-67505 “Jeanne” of 55 FG flown by Roy Scrutchfield in Olive Drab over Neutral Gray, and 

  4. P-38J-15-LO “L” S/N 43-28714 of 479th FG flown by Arnold Helding in overall natural metal with wrap-around black and white invasion stripes with red rudders.


If the P-38 is your interest, then this is a highly recommended sheet for you.

Thanks to Eagle Editions for the review samples

EagleCals decals are available from Eagle Editions Website

Text Copyright © 2021 by Graham Carter
This Page Created on 15 May, 2024
Last updated 16 May, 2024

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