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31 May, 2011
30 May, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 27 May, 2011
25 May, 2011
24 May, 2011
20 May, 2011
19 May, 2011
18 May, 2011
17 May, 2011
...and make sure you check out the latest marvellous work of HyperScale's visitors on the Plastic Pics Forum. 16 May, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" 12 May, 2011
11 May, 2011
10 May, 2011
9 May, 2011Mike Whye has confimed that a third Vendor room has been added for the IPMS USA Nationals in Omaha, and that nine tables remain to be sold. Anyone can rent them by contacting the vendors' coordinator at Vendors@ipmsusa2011.org or interested parties may register online by following this link.
6 May, 2011
5 May, 2011
4 May, 2011
3 May, 2011
2 May, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 29 April, 2011
28 April, 2011
27 April, 2011
25 April, 2011
22 April, 2011
21 April, 2011
20 April, 2011
19 April, 2011
18 April, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 15 April, 2011
14 April, 2011
12 April, 2011
11 April, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" 8 April, 2011
7 April, 2011
6 April, 2011
...and check out some of the great models posted by HyperScale's visitors on the Plastic Pics Forum. 5 April, 2011
4 April, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 1 April, 2011
31 March, 2011
30 March, 2011
28 March, 2011
25 March, 2011
23 March, 2011
22 March, 2011
21 March, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 18 March, 2011
16 March, 2011
15 March, 2011
14 March, 2011
11 March, 2011
10 March, 2011Dave Aungst has written an obituary for his friend Jeffery Harrison. You may read Dave's tribute by following this link. 9 March, 2011I am very sad to report the passing of long-time HyperScale contributor Jeffery Harrison. Jeff was one of our earliest contributors. He was a talented photographer and modeller; as well as a regular and enthusiastic participant in HyperScale's Forums where he was always pleased to share his ongoing work and knowledge with the community. I had the pleasure of first meeting Jeff in person at the Chicago IPMS Nationals in 2001, at which stage he had already been contributing articles for some years. He had his eye on the future too, as we had been corresponding very recently about his role in a new magazine. I know that you will join me in passing our sincere condolences to Jeff's friends and family at this very difficult time.
8 March, 2011
7 March, 2011
...and check out some of the great models posted by HyperScale's visitors on the Plastic Pics Forum. 4 March, 2011
2 March, 2011
1 March, 2011
...and check out some of the great models posted by HyperScale's visitors on the Plastic Pics Forum. 28 February, 2011ADH Publishing magazines, including Tamiya Model Magazine, Model Military International and Model Airplane International, are now published each month as digital magazines that you can read on your PC or Mac home computer. This means it is less expensive, and that the issues are available easily on day of publication the World over. To subscribe or buy single issues each month just go to www.pocketmags.com and register with an email address and password. You will find the magazines under the section ‘Leisure Interests’ and then ‘Scale Modelling’. Here you may buy back issues or a subscription. The prices are much lower than the paper edition and you get the magazine instantly.
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 23 February, 2011
22 February, 2011
21 February, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 18 February, 2011
17 February, 2011
16 February, 2011
15 February, 2011
14 February, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 11 February, 2011
10 February, 2011
9 February, 2011
8 February, 2011
7 February, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 3 February, 2011
1 February, 2011
31 January, 2011
28 January, 2011
27 January, 2011
26 January, 2011
25 January, 2011
24 January, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 21 January, 2011
20 January, 2011
18 January, 2011
17 January, 2011
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 14 January, 2011
13 January, 2011There have been some suggestions on the Plane Talking Fourm that there may be a conspiracy surrounding the Manufacturer's Poll and the closing of voting. By way of explanation, I had a couple of emails overnight, the night before last my time, from people who said that they had circumvented the voting on purpose (just to prove that it could be done) so I immediately shut down voting a few days earlier than I had intended before any serious distortion took place.
12 January, 2011
11 January, 2011
10 January, 2011
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 7 January, 2011
4 January, 2011
3 January, 2011Welcome to 2011 - HyperScale's 14th year online!
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. New Year's Eve, 2010
30 December, 2010
29 December, 2010
28 December, 2010
27 December, 2010
...and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. Christmas Day 2010
Christmas Eve 2010
23 December, 2010
22 December, 2010
20 December, 2010
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 16 December, 2010
15 December, 2010
14 December, 2010
13 December, 2010
....and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 10 December, 2010
9 December, 2010
8 December, 2010
7 December, 2010
6 December, 2010
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 29 November, 2010
We will be commencing our long journey home tomorrow, actually landing back in Sydney on Thursday, so you can expect to see the usual reviews, galleries and features returning to HyperScale's "What's New" pages at the end of the week. 27 November, 2010
25 November, 2010
23 November, 2010
22 November, 2010
19 November, 2010
18 November, 2010Our Testor's ScaleWorkshop video today is an interview with Derek Hansen from Accurate Armour. Derek discusses some of Accurate Armour's new and forthcoming releases. Simply click the play button to view the video.
17 November, 2010Marcus Nicholls has posted a video of new and forthcoming releases on the Revell stand at Telford last weekend. You can find the video on Marcus' Tamiya Model Magazine Facebook page by following this link. Check out the "Videos" tab. 16 November, 2010 - Revell Germany InterviewOur Testor's ScaleWorkshop video today is an interview with Volker Vahle from Revell Germany. Volker discusses new and forthcoming releases including the big 1/32 scale Arado Ar 196, the 1/72 scale B-17G Flying Fortress and the much anticipated 1/32 scale Heinkel He 111. Just click the play button below to view the video.
15 November, 2010I have posted a video from Friday night's setup of IPMS UK Nationals, Scalemodelworld 2010, at the Telford International Centre. Just click the play button below to view the video.
12 November, 2010We've arrived safely in the UK, and I have found a bit of time to squeeze in an update. Stay tuned for news and videos from Telford over the weekend.
11 November, 2010
9 November, 2010
8 November, 2010
5 November, 2010
4 November, 2010
3 November, 2010
2 November, 2010Both HyperScale's and Missing-Lynx's servers seem to be stable again after a week of technical problems. Fingers crossed! Back to normal updates tomorrow. 29 October, 2010HyperScale's server has been off the air for some hours due to the need for offline diagnostics. The hosting company has now run diagnostics on the server and it has been re-racked and started up again. Hopefully we'll have some insight into the problem soon, but in the meantime HyperScale is back on the air. Thanks for your patience 27 October, 2010We are experiencing some intermittent technical problems on HyperScale's server, which are effecting email and the ability to upload new content. The issue is fixed for the moment, but the hosting company continues to look into the causes. In the meantime, we'll sneak in an update while we can!
26 October, 2010
25 October, 2010
....and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 21 October, 2010
20 October, 2010HyperScale's out-of-date Indexing system is an ongoing frustration to me. Unfortunately, the only remedy for that problem is at least a few weeks of full-time work, so this big job will have to wait. In the meantime, however, I am pleased to report that I have reconstructed 2008's "What's New" pages into four archives. This means that you will be able to supplement the Indexes (from 1998 to 2007) with the What's New pages from the beginning of 2008 to the present day. I only seem to be missing the last two weeks of 2008. Here are all the "What's New" archive pages: BTW, I find that Google actually works really well as a search engine for HyperScale content. Just add "hyperscale" to whatever you are looking for and something will usually turn up! 19 October, 2010
18 October, 2010
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. 15 October, 2010Some of your favourite modelling magazines - Tamiya Model Magazine, Model Airplane International, and my own Model Military International - are now available to download from the Apple App Store, making them instantly accessible in over 210 countries in an electronic, easy to read form for millions of users on day of publication. Any iPad or iPhone or iPod Touch user can now download the very latest (or back issues) of these magazines and can be reading them instantly anywhere in the world. Subscriptions are also available and very soon a version for Android devices and reading on a PC or Mac will be available. Search for Tamiya on the App Store to download the magazines!
14 October, 2010
13 October, 2010
12 October, 2010
11 October, 2010
....and don't forget to catch the latest book, accessory and kit reviews from Frank De Sisto on Missing-Lynx's "Time on Target" Forum. 8 October, 2010
7 October, 2010
6 October, 2010
5 October, 2010
4 October, 2010We are back from our family road trip, so it is business as usual on HyperScale!
...and don't forget to check out the outstanding work of Missing-Lynx's visitors on the Constructive Comments Forum too. CLICK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OTHER "WHAT'S NEW" ENTRIES December 2015 to February 2016 |
* Based on actual server
statistics, HyperScale's main page receives an average of more than
15,000 visits from unique IP addresses every day.